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Home Decor Trends - HYGGE CAVE


What is the “Fashion Week” for Home Décor & how do you determine the trends you want to follow?

Home Decor Trends - HYGGE CAVE

The last few years have been very interesting for all of us. We've been rather creative, I would say, in how we approach trend. Frankly, it's been a little bit more of an introspective process than it normally would pre-pandemic. Like most people, we would typically travel Europe, visit Maison & Object and Ambiente, to be inspired by color palettes and how people are decorating their homes.

Most recently though, our approach has been more introspective. We’ve really looked at how we utilize our home spaces differently and how we are making our homes work for us.

In terms of metal finish trends, silver is making a comeback, but gold and brass are always staples. What I think is most exciting and what we are pushing for is the idea that you can mix your metal finishes together. It doesn't have to be all brass, all gold, all silver. But this idea of mixing and then bringing in matte black, which is also really important and you're seeing a lot of kitchen and bathroom hardware, is coming into to home decor as well. So, the blending and curating of the mix of finishes together versus just one particular finish.

Then in terms of color, the seventies and eighties are making a comeback. And while they may not be for everybody, we will see a lot of those coming through. Specifically aqua, melon, and yellow. I think we'll see blush pinks coming back. But I think it's also in their usage and how they translate into pillows or decorative ceramics.

From your perspective, are there any styling trends that you are really seeing people using in their homes now?

Home Decor Trends - HYGGE CAVE

Objects! We all love doing our selfie in our homes. It goes back to, the 'what does it mean to me' way of thinking. That nostalgia. That relevance which you often can find in an object so whether they're using it on a shelf or a coffee table, we're seeing a lot of those.

We're also seeing multi-purpose products such as trays, that you can use on your desk or with food for entertaining.

Another trend is biophilic design, which by nature is about bringing in the outdoor - but it's also about expanding your home outdoors and into outdoor spaces. Green has obviously been a big trend, in all shades. So, bringing that outdoor color into your homes has been important. And we're seeing that in unusual spaces like cabinets and hallways where you wouldn't normally see green. But in terms of product, how we decorate with plants is also a big draw, whether they're faux or real.

Is the world turning to more eco-centric thinking?

I would say natural fibers, as you see in basketry, have been more common. I think the draw particularly is that it's a cozy, warm, natural fiber that feels casual and comfortable. And that's what people are looking to. They want to feel really comfortable and secure and cozy in their home environments. And I think natural fibers lend themselves to that.

Home Decor Trends - HYGGE CAVE

Are you seeing any lasting trends from the pandemic?

The home office and that it really is an essential part of the home now, where as it wasn't before. We live in our homes differently now. We have to make the most out of every room, every corner, and our house has to be more functional.


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